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These resources focus on the different pathways that we most naturally connect with God depending on our temperaments and our personalities.

Resources are designed for both individual and group use. They will also include challenges and experiments to help you deepen your relationship with God (UP), with others (IN), and with the world God loves (OUT).

These relationships fuel worship of God, investment in community and purpose and mission.

Our relationship with God is what guides us in our IN and OUT relationships. So we have consistently asked two key questions:

  1. What is God saying to me? 
  2. How will I respond?

Discipleship groups and relationships are important spaces to ask these questions with others and to receive encouragement and challenge to follow Jesus’ leadership in our lives. 

Since our UP relationship with God is so critical, we consistently pursue different ways to connect with God. What we have discussed over the years is that people connect with God differently based on how God wired them. Borrowing from Gary Thomas’ book “Sacred Pathways” we are focusing on 5 different ways people relate to God: