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Creative Pathway

Connecting With God through creativity.

The creativity pathway helps us engage God through our senses. We see the beauty in art or film, we hear the sound of music that moves us to the core, or touch, taste or smell something that wakes up a part of our souls in a new way.

In scripture we see the different senses are engaged. For example Ezekiel feels a wind and sees flashing lightning, and encounters fantastic creatures and a throne of sapphire. He hears a the sound of wings like the roar of rushing waters and a loud rumbling (Ezekiel 1:4, 5-14). 

In the Pslams we see poetry that is a form of art often describing the work of art that is God’s creation. In Revelation all 5 senses are engaged when John describes his vision. We are different people after we encounter profound beauty – because it reminds our souls of God. 

As you engage the creative pathway, open your mind and heart to how God can use what you see, taste, touch, smell and hear as ways to teach you more about God’s character and draw you closer in relationship.


Visio Divina 

    • This follows the concept of “lectio divina” which means divine reading. This is a way to listen to scripture. “Visio divina” is looking for the divine in an image or artwork. In this experiment you will follow a plan to look for the divine in 7 works of art, one for each day.
    • Head to the Bible App on your phone or computer through this link:
    • Here you will see that there is a plan for 7 days to reflect on a different work of art.
    • As you reflect on each work of art, pray that you would see whatever God would like to show to you and any deeper meaning it may have in your life or understanding of God.
    • For a description of how to do visio divina and some other images to try head here.

Walker Art Center Trip

    • Head to the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis on a day you can be outside. 
    • Walk through the outdoor gallery of large sculptures. (it’s free)
    • As you walk, ask “what does this artwork reveal about the human condition? What does this artwork reveal about God?”

Movie Watchers Group Challenge

    • There is a MCC Movie Watchers Group (let us know if you want to join!) and they watch a different movie every two weeks.
    • For this experiment you can choose any movie you want and as you watch, ask yourself these two questions that the Movie Watchers ask about every film:
      • Were there any references to Christianity, Jesus, ect? If so, what does this reveal about the cultural perspective on our faith?
      • What would this film say is the “good news”? What would you say the writers are suggesting is the meaning of life, happiness etc in this film.

Rewrite a Psalm

    • The psalms are beautiful poems that are an ancient art form. Pick out a Psalm that resonates with the season you are in. Perhaps a Psalm like Psalm 77, a lament psalm, because you are in a time of suffering or grief. Or a Psalm of thanksgiving like Psalm 136 . You my choose Psalm like Psalm 139 where it reminds you of God’s attention to the details of your life.
    • After you read the psalm a few times, write out your own poem putting the sentiments of the psalm into your own words. 
    • You could read The Message Translation for inspiration or the book Psalms for Praying by Nan C. Merrill.