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Section one focuses on the core relationships we see in Jesus’ life. As Jesus followers, we are also to invest in these three relationships: 

Our “up” relationship with God

Our “in” relationship with community

Our “out” relationship with the people God has called us to love

This section also focuses on the Nature Pathway – connecting with God through Nature.

Your group/pair can move through the section at your own pace.


These two sermons focus on the dicipleship concept of this section: UP, IN and OUT. If you missed them live, then watching these sermons would be a good foundation for this section:

SECTION 1 – WEEK 1 Introduction to Section 1

  • Community Time Opening Questions – Name, How long have you been at MCC? Who you live with? How you spend most of your time (job, hobbies, etc)
  • Dwelling In The Word – Acts 2:42-27

 Dwelling in the Word is an ancient way of reading the Scripture. Dwelling in the Word is a way of spiritually submitting to the text as one way God speaks to us, with a willingness to be shaped by what God might want to say through the Scripture. In this way, we are being interpreted by the text together as we listen to it. 

Have two different people read the text out loud. Three questions guide our listening. Discuss them together:

  • What grabs your attention in this passage?
  • What question would you want to ask?
  • What are we hearing in this text that may apply to our lives (where might the Spirit be nudging us)?
    • Watch the short 1 Minute video
    • Discussion: If you were going to rate the health and vibrancy of your UP/IN/OUT relationships 1-7 (1 being a struggle, 7 being very strong) what would you rate and why?
      • Take this short quiz to determine the order of preference you may have for the pathways:
      • Head to 
        • The focus pathway for this section is the “nature” pathway. Look together at the resources on the “nature pathway page”.  Have someone read the short description. There are multiple options for resources to discover more about the pathway as well as “experiments” you can choose from. Each person can share what they are going to read or listen to, as well as what experiment they are going to try. Depending on each person’s time capacity, they can choose what is best for them.
        • After sharing your exploration plans, be sure to check that everyone can make it to the next gathering before you head out.

      SECTION 1 – WEEK 2 – Storytelling Week

      • Community Time Opening Questions – What was one of your favorite books or stories as a kid? What is a tv show or movie in which you enjoy the storyline?
      • Each participant tells an UP, IN and OUT story from these prompts
        • (UP) How did you come to know Jesus? What have been significant moments in your faith journey? 
        • (IN) Who would you call your “core” people in your life and how did those relationships form?
        • (OUT) Where in your life do you spend the most time with people who are different than you when it comes to faith? What are you most passionate about when it comes to loving your neighbor or those in need? 
      • Have each person take time to pray for the person on your left considering what they shared in their stories. Whenever folks share vulnerably, it is important to pray for them that God would protect their mind and heart and give us courage to continue to find healthy and safe places to share our lives with others.
      • Before heading out – connect with each other about your exploration plans for the nature pathway. Have you taken steps to start your experiment? Have you chosen a resource to go deeper?

      SECTION 1 – WEEK 3 – Reflection and Discussion

      • Community Time Opening Questions: Describe your family dynamics growing up. What is your relationship like with your extended family? 
      • Dwelling in the word – Psalm 19:1-14 (consider the nature pathway as you read)

      Dwelling in the Word is an ancient way of reading the Scripture. Dwelling in the Word is a way of spiritually submitting to the text as one way God speaks to us, with a willingness to be shaped by what God might want to say through the Scripture. In this way, we are being interpreted by the text together as we listen to it. 

      Have two different people read the text out loud. Three questions guide our listening. Discuss them together:

      • What grabs your attention in this passage?
      • What question would you want to ask?
      • What are we hearing in this text that may apply to our lives (where might the Spirit be nudging us)?
      • Watch this video on someone’s phone or computer: Mill City So Will I Worship Video 
      • UP/IN/OUT Discussion
        • Browse this list of questions: UP IN OUT reflection questions
        • Starting with UP, everyone choose a question that resonates with them as a prompt to share further about what you think God might be prompting you to consider in your life.
        • Then go around again with each person choosing a question from the IN list and then a final round with the OUT questions.
      • After sharing your UP, IN, OUT reflections, have each person share one or two take-aways, experiments or actions you want to take as you go into the rest of your week.
      • Before you head out – check in on your experiments and plans for the pathway you choose for this section.

      SECTION 1 – WEEK 4 – Spiritual Pathway Discussion & Prayer

      • Community Time Opening Questions: What was your group of friends like in high school?
      • Dwelling in the word – Micah 6:6-8

      Dwelling in the Word is an ancient way of reading the Scripture. Dwelling in the Word is a way of spiritually submitting to the text as one way God speaks to us, with a willingness to be shaped by what God might want to say through the Scripture. In this way, we are being interpreted by the text together as we listen to it. 

      Have two different people read the text out loud. Three questions guide our listening. Discuss them together:

      What grabs your attention in this passage?

      • What question would you want to ask?
      • What are we hearing in this text that may apply to our lives (where might the Spirit be nudging us)?
      • Notice in the well known Micah 6:8 that we see the the Up, In, Out relationships:
        • Out – Do justice
        • In – love mercy
        • Up – walk humbly
      • Pathway of the month discussion – choose 2-3 questions to share your process.
        • How would you say you experienced God through the Nature Pathway?
        • What stuck out to you about the resources you choose (scripture reading plan, books, podcasts, videos)? 
        • What was the experiment you choose and what did you did you learn about yourself and how you connect with God?
        • Would you say your preference for this pathway grew because of this exploration or not?
      • Take time to share how you can pray for each other. What or who has been on your heart? What do you need prayer for in your own life?
        • Either choose one person to pray, or have each person pray for the person on their left.