We have an adoption merger update for you! As you know our leadership teams have performed an intentional feasibility study over the last month. The pastors met to discuss our mission, theology and ministry philosophy alignment. We also had three teams focused on three areas: 

  • Community Life and Programming
  • Community Partnerships
  • Building and Assets

The Feasibility Phase can be described as follows:  Due diligence to evaluate the compatibility of the two congregations and name the opportunities and challenges. Then determine from reports if the potential opportunities outweigh the potential challenges and decide to move forward into the discernment phase. 

After multiple meetings, and writing and reviewing detailed reports, we are excited to share that on October 5th the leadership teams of both churches voted unanimously that the merger is feasible and to move on to the discernment phase.

Now that we believe this merger is feasible, we must go deeper into the question, “Is this what God is inviting our churches to do?”

The Discernment Phase can be described as follows: Time spent alone in prayer, together as individual churches and both churches together to ask the Holy Spirit to lead us toward or away from an adoption merger.

Feasibility Update and Discernment Phase Dates – October 12th, 2022

Feasibility Report Summary – October 18th, 2022

We look forward to engaging in this discernment process together with you!

We hope you will join us for the following opportunities for participation, discernment and prayer:

  • Sunday, October 16th, 6:30pm – Mill City Worship Night at Elim 685 13th Ave NE (Elim community is joining us)
  • Thursday, October 20th 6:30-8:30pm – Feasibility Report Discussion and Prayer – on Zoom
  • Sunday, October 30th 4-6pm – Feasibility Report Discussion and Prayer – Center of Belonging In South Minneapolis – 3501 Aldrich Ave S, Minneapolis
  • Sunday, November 6th 10am – Elim community joins Mill City at Las Estrellas for worship & connecting time after the service
  • Thursday, November 10th 6:30-8:30pm – Discernment Feedback and Q and A – Commons 3023 Randolph Street NE
  • Sunday, November 13th 6:30-8:30pm –  Discernment Feedback and Q and A – Zoom
  • Wednesday, November 16th – Leadership Teams Discernment Meeting

Update will be shared with the congregations following the Nov 16th Meeting.

*Our prayer team will be spending additional time praying, this will be every Sunday from 9-10am at Las Estrellas – all are invited to join!

Feedback and additional questions can be shared by filling out this form for our leadership team: Feedback Form


Pastor Steph on behalf of the Mill City Church Leadership Team