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Repent | Lament | Act

Repent | Lament | Act

It’s easy to see that we live in a world full of violence and strife. A world that God created good, but has the curse of brokenness since sin disrupted God’s design.  Yet we were given the clear mission as followers to be peacemakers, to be those who love our...
Ash Wednesday Liturgy

Ash Wednesday Liturgy

Good evening friends. Well, how great that we live in a time where we can pivot and still gather together, even if it is online. I hope you are all able to stay warm and safe in the middle of the snow that is falling outside. We serve a God who makes streams in the...
Guided Lament Experience – With Playlist

Guided Lament Experience – With Playlist

Welcome to this lament playlist. You can access the songs on Spotify or using the You Tube videos below. These are six songs that I have chosen that have led me through lament in my own life. The playlist is around 32 minutes, and leads one through 1 declaration (Holy...