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House Blessing

House Blessing

What is the spiritual atmosphere of your home? I don’t mean whether people in your home believe in Jesus or not, though that’s an important question. I mean when you enter your home — is the space one  of peace, grace, and comfort? Does your experience of being...
78 Reasons: a Missional Community Brainstorm

78 Reasons: a Missional Community Brainstorm

“I want to start a Missional Community, but I don’t know what the mission should be…” People who desire to love their community in the name of Jesus in the context of a Missional Community often voice this concern. Sometimes the desire to start...
What Does a Missional Community Core Team Do?

What Does a Missional Community Core Team Do?

What is a Core Team? A Core Team leads Missional Communities by providing them with the structure, logistics, and spiritual leadership they need to respond to God’s leadership as a group. What is the size of a Core Team? Each more team consists of three to six...