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Revelation Resources

Revelation Resources

This advent we are going to do something distinct – Advent means arrival – and so we are going to celebrate not 1, not 2 but 3 arrivals of Jesus! We are going to look back and celebrate the first arrival of Jesus. First arrival/advent – The first...


WE HAVE MERCH AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE! T-Shirts are already printed and available in the Great Room – Sweatshirts and hats can be ordered and will be available for pick up in the Great Room mid-November. ORDER SWEATSHIRTS ORDER HATS BUY T-SHIRTS IN THE GREAT...
How God is using The Mill City Commons

How God is using The Mill City Commons

For 14 years Mill City Church was a predominantly “portable church” as we worshiped at Las Estrellas School. However, in 2015 we had the unexpected opportunity to purchase what became known as the Mill City Commons. This building became a midweek hub for community...