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Fall Equipping

Equipping is a time for everyone in our community to receive training, and resources, and to learn together. Below are the opportunities being offered this Summer.


WEDNESDAY COHORTS – Starting Sept 18th

Discipleship and Mission Intensive 

Led by Aashish Baskaran, Jeremy Snoberger, JD Larson and Stephanie O’Brien 

The purpose of The Church is to equip God’s people to follow The Way of Jesus in an increasingly complex world. Our goal is not to have more and more people merely participating in activities, but rather to deepen a discipleship culture in our communities. That culture will lead to more individuals and families living as committed disciples on mission in their everyday spaces.

The purpose of the intensive is to create a high challenge/ high support environment  for those who are ready to engage a more intentional and intensive format for putting into practice The Way of Jesus. We have led intensives like this in the past and seen the fruit of this investment.  

Who is this for?

People of any life stage who are in a season of life where they are ready to be challenged and to grow in their trust in Jesus and committed to going deeper in their dedication to live the way of Jesus.

The intensive is open to anyone who would like to be equipped from our Network churches and beyond. We will be intentional to create a culture that includes those who are a part of various churches or those who are not formally a part of another faith community.

What is expected of participants?

  • That they can attend at least 90% of the sessions for BOTH part 1 and 2 (fall and winter/spring).
  • That they will see themselves as those who will invest in others formally and/or organically in the future.
  • Childcare and elementary/student ministry discipleship programming available

Part 1 – September 18 – Dec 18, 2024, 6-7:30pm  

Part 2 – January 8 – May 14, 2025, 6-7:30pm

Location: Mill City Church (685 13th Ave NE)

Sign up here

Activating Prayer Cohorts

(Formerly Spiritual Authority Cohorts)

Led by Steph Kaihoi

Why join the cohort? To encourage, empower, and resource you with new ways of praying using your spiritual authority. This training will equip you to pray with expectation and see God move in your home, workplace, neighborhood, and beyond.

What’s involved? A 6-module experiential prayer training that empowers disciples to fully discover and step into their identity as sons and daughters of the King. In each session, you will experiment with new prayer tools in a safe environment. After finishing the cohort you will be equipped to pray with others confidently by using the spiritual authority delegated to you in Jesus name.

We’ll cover these topics over the course of our time together:

  • What is Spiritual Authority? 
  • Hearing God as the Basis for Spiritual Authority 
  • Inner Healing as a Key Component to Exercising Spiritual Authority  
  • Operating as a Royal Priest in the Royal Priesthood 
  • Physical Healing and the In-breaking of the Kingdom   
  • Reclaiming Spiritual Territory and the Reality of the Supernatural


September 18th – December 11th, 6-7:30pm

Location: Mill City Church (685 13th Ave NE)

Sign up here


SUNDAY MORNING CLASSES – Starting October 13th

Emotional Well-being: Essentials for Caring for Yourself & Connecting with Others

Led by Katie Delgado, M.A. in Marriage & Family Therapy, Adjunct Professor of Wellbeing

How we interact with our emotions impacts so much of our lives!  Yet most of us have received confusing, untrue, and unhelpful messages about emotions – and few to no tools for caring for our emotional well-being.  As a result, we may find ourselves lost or overwhelmed in this area of our lives.  What if there’s another way…informed by research, grounded in our faith, and supported by experience?


Together, let’s gain new understanding and practical tools to move toward more personal wholeness and deeper relationships!

October 13th – November 17, 9:30am

Location: Mill City Church (685 13th Ave NE)

Sign up here

Make Room for Mystery

Led by Kyle Marsh, M.A. in Theological Studies & Brian Turnquist, Ph.D. in Mathematics

“For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known” (1 Cor 13). In life, but also in faith and belief, we seek precision and certainty that leave little room for wonder, awe, and the humility to accept our limited capability to comprehend truth. Join us for this journey through mathematics and Christian faith, where mystery and wonder are not just accepted but are essential. The course will be engaging and accessible to everyone regardless of background.

October 13th – November 17, 9:30am

Location: Mill City Church (685 13th Ave NE)

Sign up here

Raising Digital Natives (One Time Seminar)

Strategies for caring adults to help kids & teens navigate social media, phones, and the internet. 

Led by Tony Ducklow

There is a lot to navigate when it comes to young people and technology. When should my kid get a phone? What is TikTok? How much screen time is too much? Is Instagram creating a self-esteem epidemic? What are good boundaries for all of this stuff? In this workshop, “Raising Digital Natives,” we will cover the basics of introducing technology to young people, examine the latest research on its impacts, and create a space for discussing practical strategies and boundaries. Join us to learn how to help your kids and teens navigate the digital age.

October 13th, 3:30pm

Location: Mill City Church (685 13th Ave NE)

Sign up here

The Sermon on the Mount: Living Out Covenant Loyalty in God’s Kingdom 

Led by Dr. Jeannine Brown

Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount in Matthew’s Gospel is one the most famous parts of all of the Bible. It has also been interpreted in many different ways in the history of the church. How should we understand this extended teaching of Jesus if we consider Matthew’s context and meaning? This class will dive deep into Matthew 5-7, focusing on the twin themes of kingdom and covenant. And we’ll ask what living out covenant loyalty in the time of God’s arriving kingdom looks like today.

October 13th – November 17, 9:30am

Location: Mill City Church (685 13th Ave NE)

Sign up here

New to Mill City Group

This group is designed as an intentional space for those who are newer to Mill City to get to know others who are also new to the community. During the group you will hear from folks who have been at Mill City for a while who will be available to be able to answer your questions and support you in taking the next steps to get more involved at Mill City.  Wednesdays: October 30th – December 11th 

We will have two groups this fall:

Sundays: October 13th – November 17, 9:30am

Wednesdays: October 30th – December 11th

Location: Mill City Church (685 13th Ave NE)

Sign up here


Division and polarization are not new realities in the world, or in our communities. As we live our lives in families, workplaces, schools and neighborhoods – how can we live as Jesus followers in divisive times?

Jesus expressed in the Sermon On The Mount that those who are in God’s family are to be peacemakers. He commanded his followers to love even their enemies and bless those who persecute them. 

Jesus was surrounded by a culture full of conflict when he walked the earth as well. Yet he made it clear that he was inviting his followers to be distinct in a divided world. 

Pursuing the role of peacemaker isn’t the same as a peacekeeper – it is active, and intentional. To be peacemakers in our divided world, we choose to take action and pray for the Spirit’s empowerment, develop new skills and utilize effective tools.

This is why we are hosting inter-church dinners to be equipped with tools and training to be peacemakers where we live, work, learn, play and relate to others.

The content for each gathering will be identical – so choose the one that works best for you and your family. You do not need to be a member of Mill City Church or Mercy Vineyard Church to attend. The event is free, dinner and childcare is provided. However, registration is necessary

Thursday, September 26th 6:00-8:30 pm – hosted at Mill City Church
Tuesday, October 8th 6:00-8:30 pm – hosted at Mercy Vineyard Church

Sign up here

October 13th – November 17, 9:30amWEDNESDAY COHORTS – Starting Sept 18th

Discipleship and Mission Intensive 

Led by Aashish Baskaran, Jeremy Snoberger, JD Larson and Stephanie O’Brien 

The purpose of The Church is to equip God’s people to follow The Way of Jesus in an increasingly complex world. Our goal is not to have more and more people merely participating in activities, but rather to deepen a discipleship culture in our communities. That culture will lead to more individuals and families living as committed disciples on mission in their everyday spaces.

The purpose of the intensive is to create a high challenge/ high support environment  for those who are ready to engage a more intentional and intensive format for putting into practice The Way of Jesus. We have led intensives like this in the past and seen the fruit of this investment.  

Who is this for?

People of any life stage who are in a season of life where they are ready to be challenged and to grow in their trust in Jesus and committed to going deeper in their dedication to live the way of Jesus.

The intensive is open to anyone who would like to be equipped from our Network churches and beyond. We will be intentional to create a culture that includes those who are a part of various churches or those who are not formally a part of another faith community.

What is expected of participants?

  • That they can attend at least 90% of the sessions for BOTH part 1 and 2 (fall and winter/spring).
  • That they will see themselves as those who will invest in others formally and/or organically in the future.
  • Childcare and elementary/student ministry discipleship programming available

Part 1 – September 18 – Dec 18, 2024, 6-7:30pm  

Part 2 – January 8 – May 14, 2025, 6-7:30pm

Location: Mill City Church (685 13th Ave NE)

Sign up here

Activating Prayer Cohorts

(Formerly Spiritual Authority Cohorts)

Led by Steph Kaihoi

Why join the cohort? To encourage, empower, and resource you with new ways of praying using your spiritual authority. This training will equip you to pray with expectation and see God move in your home, workplace, neighborhood, and beyond.

What’s involved? A 6-module experiential prayer training that empowers disciples to fully discover and step into their identity as sons and daughters of the King. In each session, you will experiment with new prayer tools in a safe environment. After finishing the cohort you will be equipped to pray with others confidently by using the spiritual authority delegated to you in Jesus name.

We’ll cover these topics over the course of our time together:

  • What is Spiritual Authority? 
  • Hearing God as the Basis for Spiritual Authority 
  • Inner Healing as a Key Component to Exercising Spiritual Authority  
  • Operating as a Royal Priest in the Royal Priesthood 
  • Physical Healing and the In-breaking of the Kingdom   
  • Reclaiming Spiritual Territory and the Reality of the Supernatural


September 18th – December 11th, 6-7:30pm

Location: Mill City Church (685 13th Ave NE)

Sign up here


SUNDAY MORNING CLASSES – Starting October 13th

Emotional Well-being: Essentials for Caring for Yourself & Connecting with Others

Led by Katie Delgado, M.A. in Marriage & Family Therapy, Adjunct Professor of Wellbeing

How we interact with our emotions impacts so much of our lives!  Yet most of us have received confusing, untrue, and unhelpful messages about emotions – and few to no tools for caring for our emotional well-being.  As a result, we may find ourselves lost or overwhelmed in this area of our lives.  What if there’s another way…informed by research, grounded in our faith, and supported by experience?


Together, let’s gain new understanding and practical tools to move toward more personal wholeness and deeper relationships!

October 13th – November 17, 9:30am

Location: Mill City Church (685 13th Ave NE)

Sign up here

Engaging Border Perspectives

Led by Sheryl Hjellming and Yonathan Moya

This class will view a documentary called “Across” and discuss the stories told. Filmed in Honduras, Texas, and Illinois, this multi-part docuseries follows three women and their children who escaped abuse and violence in Honduras and Guatemala, and a Midwestern church that experienced a complete transformation in their hearts when they stopped seeing these families as news headlines and started treating them like brothers and sisters in Christ.

October 13th – November 17, 9:30am

Location: Mill City Church (685 13th Ave NE)

Sign up here

Make Room for Mystery

Led by Kyle Marsh, M.A. in Theological Studies & Brian Turnquist, Ph.D. in Mathematics

“For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known” (1 Cor 13). In life, but also in faith and belief, we seek precision and certainty that leave little room for wonder, awe, and the humility to accept our limited capability to comprehend truth. Join us for this journey through mathematics and Christian faith, where mystery and wonder are not just accepted but are essential. The course will be engaging and accessible to everyone regardless of background.

October 13th – November 17, 9:30am

Location: Mill City Church (685 13th Ave NE)

Sign up here

Raising Digital Natives (One Time Seminar)

Strategies for caring adults to help kids & teens navigate social media, phones, and the internet. 

Led by Tony Ducklow

There is a lot to navigate when it comes to young people and technology. When should my kid get a phone? What is TikTok? How much screen time is too much? Is Instagram creating a self-esteem epidemic? What are good boundaries for all of this stuff? In this workshop, “Raising Digital Natives,” we will cover the basics of introducing technology to young people, examine the latest research on its impacts, and create a space for discussing practical strategies and boundaries. Join us to learn how to help your kids and teens navigate the digital age.

October 13th, 3:30pm

Location: Mill City Church (685 13th Ave NE)

Sign up here

The Sermon on the Mount: Living Out Covenant Loyalty in God’s Kingdom 

Led by Dr. Jeannine Brown

Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount in Matthew’s Gospel is one the most famous parts of all of the Bible. It has also been interpreted in many different ways in the history of the church. How should we understand this extended teaching of Jesus if we consider Matthew’s context and meaning? This class will dive deep into Matthew 5-7, focusing on the twin themes of kingdom and covenant. And we’ll ask what living out covenant loyalty in the time of God’s arriving kingdom looks like today.

October 13th – November 17, 9:30am

Location: Mill City Church (685 13th Ave NE)

Sign up here

New to Mill City Group

This group is designed as an intentional space for those who are newer to Mill City to get to know others who are also new to the community. During the group you will hear from folks who have been at Mill City for a while who will be available to be able to answer your questions and support you in taking the next steps to get more involved at Mill City.

We will have two groups this fall:

Sundays: October 13th – November 17, 9:30am 

Location: Mill City Church (685 13th Ave NE)

Sign up here


Division and polarization are not new realities in the world, or in our communities. As we live our lives in families, workplaces, schools and neighborhoods – how can we live as Jesus followers in divisive times?

Jesus expressed in the Sermon On The Mount that those who are in God’s family are to be peacemakers. He commanded his followers to love even their enemies and bless those who persecute them. 

Jesus was surrounded by a culture full of conflict when he walked the earth as well. Yet he made it clear that he was inviting his followers to be distinct in a divided world. 

Pursuing the role of peacemaker isn’t the same as a peacekeeper – it is active, and intentional. To be peacemakers in our divided world, we choose to take action and pray for the Spirit’s empowerment, develop new skills and utilize effective tools.

This is why we are hosting inter-church dinners to be equipped with tools and training to be peacemakers where we live, work, learn, play and relate to others.

The content for each gathering will be identical – so choose the one that works best for you and your family. You do not need to be a member of Mill City Church or Mercy Vineyard Church to attend. The event is free, dinner and childcare is provided. However, registration is necessary

Thursday, September 26th 6:00-8:30 pm – hosted at Mill City Church
Tuesday, October 8th 6:00-8:30 pm – hosted at Mercy Vineyard Church

Sign up here