Transportation to Mill City Church
685 13th Ave Northeast
How we get to worship matters for the mission:
We couldn’t ask for a better location to put down roots in NE Mpls than the corner of 13th and Madison. Each Sunday, we will be launched from that corner to join what God is doing in all of our everyday spaces! Like most churches in the city, there will be some aspects that will require some grit and resilience; parking is one of them! As you plan your weekly commute to church, we invite you to come early, consider the following, and refer to the map.

Madison Accessibility Lot and Surrounding Street Parking – Our building’s adjacent lot (to the north) will be reserved for those who have accessibility needs and those with young infants. There will also be signs for additional accessibility parking on the street directly next to the building.

Monroe Carpool Lot – There is a smaller lot (accessed from Monroe Street) that is behind the nextdoor church. This lot has 10 spots that will be first-come first-serve for those who carpool from more than one household.

Street Parking Prayer Walks – There is ample street parking, though it may mean walking a couple of blocks. Whether you drop off passengers and walk on your own, or walk as a group, we invite you to consider praying for the neighbors as you walk.

Bike to Worship – We have pre-existing bike racks and new bike racks we just installed (donated by a Mill City member who is passionate about biking)! If you bike to worship you can stop by the connections table to get a sticker for your helmet!

Indeed Parking and Shuttle (Shuttle is not currently running but the lot is available) – We are very blessed that Indeed Brewing has offered their 50-spot parking lot for Mill City to use every Sunday from 7am-2pm at no cost! Simply take a ticket upon arrival and parking will be free if you leave by 2pm! Directions to Indeed Lot

Sheridan Clinic Lot and Shuttle (Shuttle is not currently running but the lot is available) – On the same block as Las Estrellas, the Sheridan Clinic has a parking lot (accessed from 13th Ave, across from the Ritz Theater). We will have a shuttle running both ways every 10 minutes from 7:40am to 1:15. Directions to the Sheridan Clinic Lot
Minneapolis laws and for safety reasons, we cannot have passengers in the shuttle under the age of 12.

Public Transportation – At the corner of Broadway St & Monroe St, there is a bus stop where both the 17 and the 30 make stops on Sundays.

Please do not park in the lot reserved for Logan Park guests or in any spot marked by the City of Minneapolis as an area where parking is not allowed.
We believe that if everyone does their part, parking will be reasonable for all.