Mill City Students is Mill City’s ministry for 6th-12th graders. At Mill City Students, we believe that students have three spiritual needs: love, belonging, and purpose. Our hope is that each student leaves MCS having experienced the life-changing love of Jesus and a community where they belong, creating a faith that is their own and inspiring them to live out their unique and God-given purpose in the world.
Mill City Students meets on Wednesdays at church (685 13th Ave NE, Minneapolis, MN 55413) from 6:30-8 p.m. During our Wednesday night programming, you can expect games, snacks, a short teaching, and small group discussion time.
We also meet up on Sunday mornings for Devos & Donuts between the two services (10:15-10:45 a.m.). This is a more relaxed time of connection, devotions, and prayer (and donuts, of course).
We also host regular special events including day trips, evening events, retreats, and camps!
To stay up to date on all things Mill City Students, join the email list below!
Rose Nelessen is our Student Ministries Director at Mill City Church. Rose is passionate about mentoring teens and walking alongside them as we learn how to follow Jesus together.