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Mill City Church is a multi-generational, Jesus-centered church in Northeast Minneapolis. “Mill City” is one of the oldest nicknames for the city of Minneapolis. We would love to have you join us on Sundays at 9 am, 10:45am, or 5pm at 685 13th Ave NE, Minneapolis.

Our mission at MCC is to love our community in the name of Jesus.

Together we discover what God is up to in our neighborhoods, workplaces, schools, and families. We desire to join in what God is already doing in those spaces and love others in the name of Jesus.

Our purpose is to: To be a church that reproduces missional disciples by equipping people to follow The Way of Jesus.

A missional disciple is one who follows Jesus by continually learning to participate in God’s mission in the world through every aspect of their life. Disciples that love God, live like Jesus, and are led by the Spirit.

Mill City is led by our leadership team as well as a team of pastors and staff whose goal is to equip the church to live out our mission. Our Covenant Members are those who take the most ownership of our mission – learn more about membership here.

Together we discover what God is up to in our neighborhoods, workplaces, schools, and families. We desire to join in what God is already doing in those spaces and love others in the name of Jesus. Watch this short documentary about our church on our YouTube Channel.

Mill City is honored to have key partners in Northeast Minneapolis and we are proud to be the founding church for Every Meal, fighting child hunger in the Twin Cities. 

We worship together in Northeast Minneapolis every Sunday. We are thankful to have a diverse and gifted group of preachers on our preaching team to teach each Sunday from the Bible.

We worship at 685 13th Ave NE on Sundays at three identical services 9 am, 10:45 am, and 5pm we also host a weekly live worship service at both morning services on our Facebook Page and YouTube Channel. We also have programming for kids 0-5th grade during all three services. Student ministry meets Wednesday Nights and Sunday Mornings for 6th-12th graders.

During the week many gather in discipleship groups and Mill City Neighborhoods throughout the Twin Cities to live out our mission in local areas. Make sure to look into the various groups connected to our community.

Mill City began with a few people in Northeast in 2008 as a new church planted by Woodridge Church when a group of people felt called by God to start a new church in this specific part of the city. 

In 2019 Mill City helped launch North City Church across the river in North Minneapolis. We are now a family of three churches as we have added Espíritu Santo Iglesia a predominantly Spanish speaking church which launched in the Spring of 2021. Together we form the Agile Church Network.

In 2023, Elim Church joined Mill City Church. It was clear that God brought these two communities together and Mill City adopted Elim Church as it was sunsetted. The Northeaster local magazine wrote an article about the transition. 

We love partnering with established churches and we believe the church should always be multiplying so more people can connect with God, others, and join God’s mission in different parts of the city. 

Our mission is to always be looking for and responding to what God is doing in Northeast Minneapolis!

We’d love for you to join us!