The 12 minor prophets have been come to be known as “The Book of the Twelve” because for much of history they were written on one scroll and often read and understood together.
Reading through the minor prophets can be a great experience to hear God’s heart for the world God loves. But, why are they books we don’t read? There are various reasons, but it’s easy to see that one of the reasons is how hard it is for us to hear the judgements God has for the the people who rebel and commit injustice. However, in these books, we also hear God’s hope and compassion. In some ways, the depth of God’s anger at injustice can help us understand the radical depth of God’s compassion.
Take this challenge and read through the minor prophets over the next few weeks. Below is a video from The Bible Project that gives you a five minute video overview of the book. Then, it only takes between 10-20 minutes to read each of the minor prophets, or to have the link below read to you through narration!
Here you can watch overview videos and link to the scripture for each of the minor prophets, perhaps you could do two a week, or one every day for 12 days!
HOSEA Overview Video:
JOEL Overview Video:
AMOS Overview Video:
OBADIAH Overview Video:
JONAH Overview Video:
MICAH Overview Video:
NAHUM Overview Video:
HABAKKUK Overview Video:
ZEPHANIAH Overview Video:
HAGGAI Overview Video
ZECHARIAH Overview Video:
MALACHI Overview Video:
Now these can be books you’ve read! Rather than books we don’t read!
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