Listen: Son of Suffering by Bethel Music

Read: 2 Corinthians 1:3-7 

Reflect: The song “The Son of Suffering” gives us a beautiful picture of Jesus walking with us through dirt and how he understands our grief and sorrow. Jesus pursued us because of his grace, love, and compassion. His compassion was evident through his life and ultimately displayed by his death and resurrection. We still experience Jesus’ compassion today. Jesus didn’t leave us alone. He sent his Holy Spirit to comfort us.

The Apostle Paul wrote our passage this week to the people of Corinth. His message was to ensure his readers that the Father of compassion, who comforts us in our troubles, is always with us. The word comfort in Greek is Paraklesis. It is very close to the word Paraclete, who is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit helps and strengthens us through times of struggle. Comfort is more than soothing us through difficulties; but is a strengthening that encourages us to keep going. The Apostle Paul knew this strengthening as he was constantly under pressure and persecution. Despite the trials, he was able to encourage the followers of Jesus.

During a challenging time in my life, I remember Jesus saying to me “your story is going to help others.” At that moment, the Holy Spirit’s work gave me comfort, absolute peace, and resolve. I have seen Jesus use those words to comfort others because of how the Holy Spirit ministered to me. We were not promised ease in our life, but we were promised that we would not be alone in our suffering. Jesus is faithful and with us.

Respond: As you think through this next week and the suffering of Christ on the cross, how has Jesus strengthened you through your grief? How has He used that suffering to help others in your life? Take a moment to thank God for His faithfulness during times of suffering. 

Written by Pastor Donna Johnson