Listen: How Deep the Father’s Love

Read: 2 Samuel 11 and 12, Psalm 51, Psalm 32

Reflect: Have you ever been so disappointed with your behavior and not wanted anyone to know what you have done? In fact, you can’t believe you even did it! We have only to turn to the Bible to read about real people living real lives. Let’s take a look at David, a man that Scripture called “a man after God’s own heart (1 Sam 13:14, Acts 13:22). How is it that this man who walked with the Lord could make such terrible choices that catapulted him with a thud into sin?

The pages of 2 Samuel 11 recount this story. The stage is set with King David on the throne, replete with lust, adultery, murder, lies, deceit and manipulation. The story is appropriately placed in chapter 11 of 2 Samuel as it exposes in living color the bankruptcy of King David’s character, behavior and spirit. (By the way, in today’s world the IRS code on bankruptcy is written in Chapter 11). By the time King David’s journey into sin is complete, the man after God’s own heart has broken all ten of the Ten Commandments. And Scripture records in verse 27, “But the thing David had done displeased the Lord.”

2 Samuel 11 reveals that King David got what he wanted. He certainly experienced the consequences of his behavior and perhaps some remorse. But before the Prophet Nathan confronts him about the greatness of his sin, the King did not seek God nor acknowledge his sin. It is important that we understand that remorse and repentance are polar opposite, whether we’re talking about King David or our own lives. Remorse assuages our emotions and guilt. It’s all about me and taking care of business. But repentance is God’s best for us. It’s humbling ourselves before God, confessing our sin, and turning from it, towards God. 

How do we experience true repentance? We see a pattern in Psalm 51 as it captures David’s admission, guilt over his sin, and cry to the Lord. And then in Psalm 32, he recounts the amazing forgiveness, recovery, thanksgiving and blessing that cover him after he confesses and repents of his sin. I invite you to study Psalm 51 and observe how David turns to the Lord. 

In the message of 2 Timothy 2:13 the Lord reminds us that when we act as a self-absorbed sinner and turn our face from God, the Lord is yet faithful towards us because He cannot deny Himself. It’s God’s love that calls you and me!

Respond: Is there a place today that you need God’s forgiveness and healing? There is no prescribed methodology to repentance and forgiveness. It begins with your desire to come to the Lord and ask Him to cleanse you of your sin. Use your own words, do it your way. But don’t wait any longer… because of the Lord’s amazing love for you, He is waiting with His arms outstretched. 

Written by Pastor Becky Hanson