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This Spring we are going to be in a series on the book of Psalms called – Relating to an unchanging God in a changing world.

We will keep resources here as we go!

Read a Psalm a day with others: Join on the Bible App here OR download schedule here

Psalms Overview – The Bible Project

Reading Biblical Poetry – The Bible Project


Feelings Wheel

Attachment Theory Resources:

Link to List of Recommended Counselors

Email for the MCC Pastoral Team –


1) Podcast name: The Place We Find Ourselves
Episode: How Attachment Affects Your Relationship with God
Link: Spotify 
/ online link
2Attachment Theory and Your Relationship with God by Boonie Poon Zahl
Article link
3) Prayer:

Search me, God, and know my heart;
    test me and know my anxious thoughts.

See if there is any offensive way in me,
    and lead me in the way everlasting.

Psalm 139:23-24

God, I choose to let you in completely, I want you to know the emotions I feel deep in my soul. Even my anxious thoughts that I don’t always understand. See if there are is anything in my life that is keeping me from a secure relationship with you and with others and lead me forward in a way that will be sustainable relationally until I see you face to face.