In order to receive God’s love and grow in trusting God, we need to take daily steps of faith. In order to create space for that to happen we need to prioritize some time and engage in any resources needed. Here is a short list of resources that have been helpful for others in our community:

Common Prayer – A Liturgy for Ordinary Radicals

by Shane Claiborne, Jonathan Hargrove and Enuma Okoro

Celebration of Discipline

by Richard Foster

Emotional Healthy Spirituality – Day by Day

by Peter Scazzero

Experiencing God

by Henry Blackaby & Claude V. King

Jesus Calling Daily Reading

By Sarah Young

Message Translation of the Bible

By Eugene Peterson

Moravian Daily Text

By The Moravian Church

My Utmost for His Highest (updated language edition)

by Oswald Chambers

Sanctuary Daily Reading

by David Jeremiah

What resources have been helpful for you to connect with God?