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The final conversation of the Summer is called: Authority in the Spirit.

At Mill City we have used this framework when talking about what it means for us to live the way of Jesus: Know God, Live Like Jesus, Led by the Spirit.

This is why we had these three conversations since Easter:

  • Relating to God
  • Apprenticing Jesus
  • Authority in the Spirit

Spiritual Authority for Every Believer – Novo Booklet that goes in depth on the story of spiritual authority that we see from Genesis to today and walks through some experiments you can try when it comes to living in to the spiritual authority we have in the name of Jesus. Physical copies will be available at the Connection Table this month.

Download the Listening Prayer Guide

We also have a Spiritual Authority Seminar on August 25th, 3-4:30pm Led by Stephanie Kaihoi:

Ever wonder how you could be more in tune with God and His Kingdom work around you? Ever wish you had more spiritual awareness of how God might be leading you in conversations with people that don’t know Jesus? Ever wish your prayers felt more powerful? In this training, we will provide you with practical tools on how to deepen your prayer life and how to live in the authority God has given you. You will walk away with truths that are simple, yet hold profound outcomes for your life, family, work & community. These prayer tools have changed our lives, marriages & families this year and we can’t wait to pass them on to you. What to bring? We have found that these tools are even more impactful when learned with people you do life with, so invite one or two of your people to join you for this spiritual authority training. Also, bring your Bible and pen.

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