Dr. Martin luther king Jr. taught us that power is not a bad thing, it’s the nature of how we use that power that makes all the difference.

The same thing is true in our vocation. We have God given vocational power, and so does the community we are a part of.

The question that makes all the difference is if we will choose to steward the power God has given us in a way that reflects God’s character.

The first step is growing in awareness of the vocational power God has given us, and even more importantly, noticing the vocational power of the community around us. This training is designed to help you do just that.

Vocational Power Assessment

Listen to a Mill City training on the Vocational Power Exercise

Listen here 

Steps to complete the assessment (workplace context version, or personal use version):

  1. Give yourself 20-30 minutes to complete the assessment.
  2. Take time to reflect on the questions and write down every answer that comes to mind.
  3. It’s most effective if you have a group or a partner to go through the assessment with.
  4. If you don’t have a group or partner, ask a close friend to coffee and discuss your reflections.

Contact JD Larson if you’d like to learn more or discuss results.

Here is a vocational power assessment you can use in non-faith environments.

*Material in the assessment and this post are adapted from material in Kingdom Calling by Amy Sherman.