Lent Devotional #2

Lent Devotional #2

Listen: Son of Suffering by Bethel Music Read: 2 Corinthians 1:3-7  Reflect: The song “The Son of Suffering” gives us a beautiful picture of Jesus walking with us through dirt and how he understands our grief and sorrow. Jesus pursued us because of his grace, love,...
Lent Devotional #1

Lent Devotional #1

Hi Friends,  When we heard that the sanctuary at 13th and Madison would be empty for a couple weeks while the room was being restored, a couple members of the worship team and I seized the opportunity to go worship in the great acoustics of the empty room. We put...
Ash Wednesday Liturgy

Ash Wednesday Liturgy

Good evening friends. Well, how great that we live in a time where we can pivot and still gather together, even if it is online. I hope you are all able to stay warm and safe in the middle of the snow that is falling outside. We serve a God who makes streams in the...
Fixing Our Eyes on Jesus

Fixing Our Eyes on Jesus

By Pastor Aashish Baskaran In Acts 27, we find Paul in the midst of a storm and an impending shipwreck. In the face of grave danger, Paul tells those with him, “Last night an angel of the God to whom I belong and whom I serve stood beside me…”  I love that verse....
Bible In A Year & Recommended Apps

Bible In A Year & Recommended Apps

If you are interested in reading through the Bible in a year with others from Mill City – follow this link to the Bible app and join this plan. You can comment and interact with others who are reading along! Join the Mill City Group This plan is brought to you...