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Know Your Strengths/Gifts

Know Your Strengths/Gifts

"Knowing our strengths is essential for being the community God created us to be." - Pastor Michael Binder In our Renewing Relationships series, we've discussed that part of renewing relationships is knowing your self, and knowing the strengths and gifts God's given...

Making Peace

Making Peace

One of the things that makes the Gospel good news is that God makes peace with his presence. Sermon on Peace  Jesus is always stepping into chaos and making peace. In the Bible, Jesus is aways making peace in ways people don't expect, and he's still leading us to make...

Racial Reconciliation Round Table

Racial Reconciliation Round Table

At the end of October we concluded our sermons series "Gospel & Race." However, it was clear to all of us the conversation and learning around racial reconciliation should not end there. A few weeks ago we gathered a few people from our community to have a round...

Gospel & Work: Vocation and the Grand Biblical Narrative

Gospel & Work: Vocation and the Grand Biblical Narrative

Gospel & Work Conference Keynote Saturday November 14th, we had the privilege of having Dr. Amy Sherman come and share with us at Latitude for our Gospel & Work Conference. Dr. Sherman started the conversation by exploring how vocation is interwoven in the...

Vocational Power Assessment

Vocational Power Assessment

Dr. Martin luther king Jr. taught us that power is not a bad thing, it’s the nature of how we use that power that makes all the difference. The same thing is true in our vocation. We have God given vocational...

Helping Your Child Learn How to Trust God

Helping Your Child Learn How to Trust God

Helping Your Child Learn to Trust God There are two words that a good majority of children love to hear: “I promise.”  Why?  Because so often, that promise is something good.  “I promise we’ll get to see that movie when it comes out.”  “I promise to invite you to my...

Parenting through Genesis 1

Parenting through Genesis 1

You’ve probably heard the statistic before but it’s worth repeating -- as a parent, you have over 3,000 hours per year with your child in your home.  That’s compared to the average 40 hours our church will spend with them on Sunday mornings.  That’s why at Mill City...

Mapping the Neighborhood

Mapping the Neighborhood

Loving our neighborhood is simple, but hard. Sometimes we need simple tools to remove all the barriers that come up as we try to get to know our neighborhood. ChristianAnn, our Associate Pastor of Community and Care has developed a very simple tool to help us with the...

78 Reasons: a Missional Community Brainstorm

78 Reasons: a Missional Community Brainstorm

"I want to start a Missional Community, but I don't know what the mission should be..." People who desire to love their community in the name of Jesus in the context of a Missional Community often voice this concern. Sometimes the desire to start a Missional Community...

What Does a Missional Community Core Team Do?

What Does a Missional Community Core Team Do?

What is a Core Team? A Core Team leads Missional Communities by providing them with the structure, logistics, and spiritual leadership they need to respond to God's leadership as a group. What is the size of a Core Team? Each more team consists of three to six people,...

Neighborhood Crawl

Neighborhood Crawl

The Neighborhood Crawl Getting to know your neighborhood is something that sounds simple but can end up being harder than expected. Even more so getting to know what God is doing in the neighborhood can be even more mysterious. In this simple visual we’ve tried to...

Learning to Discern People of Peace

Learning to Discern People of Peace

One of the most exciting yet daunting concepts to teach and learn in discipleship is how to discern “people of peace”. The phrase People of Peace comes from Luke 10 when Jesus sends out the 72 and tells them to go in groups of two from house to house and offer peace...

Joining God at Work

Joining God at Work

Work matters! We believe God is at work in the workplace. God is a missionary God, at work in the world redeeming, reconciling, and making all things new in Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit, and God wants us to join in? Sounds exciting right? But this truth begs...

Joining God at Work

Joining God at Work

Work matters! We believe God is at work in the workplace. God is a missionary God, at work in the world redeeming, reconciling, and making all things new in Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit, and God wants us to join in? Sounds exciting right? But this truth begs...